About Us

Steve has lived in the Shuswap for over twenty years. The Shuswap is where he and his wife, Kathy, chose to raise their family and enjoy the world class amenities and healthy lifestyle of the North Okanagan. In the summer they enjoy boating, kayaking, hiking, and camping. In the winter they can be found on the slopes at Silver Star or the trails at Larch Hills.

Steve and Kathy Atkins and family

Steve's background is in educational administration, property management and business. He is also very familiar with the construction industry and trades. Shuswap HomeWatch and Property Management capitalizes on his broad range of experiences and allows Steve to offer a comprehensive range of services. Whether you are a homeowner, estate executor, agent of a financial institution or realtor, you can be confident your home or property will be professionally cared for.

Want a licensed professional to regularly inspect your home, send you reports and help satisfy the conditions of your homeowners’ insurance policy?


Contact Shuswap HomeWatch for a free, no obligation consultation.